The Sunday WSMF show

Tom Whore (
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 01:17:02 -0700 (PDT)

This week will mark the first formated show in WSMFs sunday live broadcast
format. Last week we kicked things off by playing the Hobbit, this week
we fly into full gear with several features, a few old time radio shows,
new music, news, and ranting of yours truly, tommy whore.

In no particular order the 8 hour show will include....

Old Time Radio Addiction-How to get the monkey on your back and keep it

Boomboomchuck--A look into new music, artforms and the artist. This week
spotlighting GAGETTO, Dj DarkFire and some new tunes from Media Whore

On The Air with WSMF--A chance for you to call in live and talk about
whats on your mind. Also a chance for use to play on the phone.

The Man Of Leisure--Laying Down the Smack on good living and why cobra boy
may be sporting a pinkie winkie

Doc Savage--A Five part radio adaptaion of the 1930s man of bronze,
recorded sometime in the 70's

Your Truly Johny Dollar--New episode never before heard on WSMF

and much much more

Tune in on Sunday April 18th at 5pm pst, or set your shoutcast player to
capture it for latter enjoyment.

[---===tomwhore@ [] [] []]
The WSMF Sunday Live Shoutcast-5pm pst
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