Re: Bar-coding the Real World with URLs

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From: Gregory Alan Bolcer (
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 06:51:02 PDT

The US DOT has spent 10 years or more of research grants
trying to find a technology that works. The problem is that
they want to be able to walk into a room of packages and
ask them all which ones are going to Chicago and which ones
are not. Fortunately there's an intermediate solution to
munchkins, put a Magi on a chip with a bluetooth connector.
Autoscan the metadata as it goes in and out into the storage room,
use HTTP gets and puts to update the tracking, location, and destination
information. When you need to find something, you can do a nice DASL search over


Dan Brickley wrote:

> Long story short. I want a way not only of uniquely IDing all the junk
> (papers, books, CDs, videos etc) lying around home and office, but of
> finding the damn things when I want them. That means putting them down
> anywhere, then asking my local Web where I left them. I know how to do
> the metadata part, that's the easy bit. But the hardware side of it I've
> not done a tech review on. I want there to exist something cheap and
> unencumbered by silly US patents which allows a networked device to
> locate nearby objects given their identifier.

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