TBTF Feature, 8/13/97: Fresh bits daily from the Munich IETF

Keith Dawson (dawson@world.std.com)
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 22:12:41 -0500


TBTF Feature, 8/13/97: Fresh bits daily from the Munich IETF

T a s t y B i t s f r o m t h e T e c h n o l o g y F r o n t

Timely news of the bellwethers in computer and communications
technology that will affect electronic commerce -- since 1994

Your Host: Keith Dawson

This issue: < http://www.tbtf.com/archive/08-13-97-feat.html >

..From the Internet Engineering Task Force meeting

Rodney Thayer <rodney@sabletech.com>, security consultant and stal-
wart of the Digital Commerce Society of Boston, is participating in
the thrice-yearly meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force in
Munich. By special arrangement TBTF will be carrying his dispatches
from that front all this week. You can wait for the retro-push edi-
tion next Monday or you can visit TBTF's home page [1] daily for
the latest scoop on the folks who define the Net.

[1] http://www.tbtf.com/

TBTF home and archive at < http://www.tbtf.com/ >. To subscribe send
the message "subscribe" to tbtf-request@world.std.com. TBTF is Copy-
right 1994-1997 by Keith Dawson, <dawson@world.std.com>. Commercial
use prohibited. For non-commercial purposes please forward, post, and
link as you see fit.
Keith Dawson dawson@world.std.com
Layer of ash separates morning and evening milk.

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