Fw: Next 'COMPUTER LIB' Needs You!

Yukari Mitsuhashi (viola@morelerbe.com)
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 04:15:36 +0900

>From our old friend, Ted Nelson and his girlfriend Marlene:

---------------- Original message follows ----------------
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 00:12:33 -0500
Subject: Next 'COMPUTER LIB' Needs You!



Did Ted Nelson痴 *Computer Lib* change your life? If so, now痴 the chance to say how. We池e republishing the original edition and there値l be a section from people who loved and appreciated the book. (Don稚 look now, but this year is the 25th anniversary of the first edition.)

If you壇 like to be included, send us a few words NOW (doesn't have to be in English) -- selections will begin on March 17th.


Ted Nelson & Marlene Mallicoat PS: Please forward this freely.

---------------- End of Original message ----------------

/FYI/ You can reach them at the following addresses: Ted Nelson <ted@xanadu.net> Marlene Mallicoat <MarleneM@compuserve.com>

- Yukari