W.J.Clinton joke

Michele Michelotto (michelot@sunatdaq01.cern.ch)
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 17:28:29 +0100

Clinton is looking out of the window and he notices that someone has =

spelled out the message, " BILL SUCKS! " in urine in the snow on the =

White House Lawn.

Furious, he orders the FBI to take urine and handwriting samples from eve=
ry =

member of the White House staff and find the culprit immediately. =

A week later, the FBI director calls. " Mr. President, I have good news a=
bad =

news, he says. =


The good news is that the urine belongs to Vice President Gore.
And the bad news? " Clinton demands. =

" Well, sir, the handwriting belongs to Hillary! " =

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'---''(_/._)-'(_\_) Cheers, Michele
* Michele Michelotto, CERN ATLAS DAQ Group Tel +41 22 767 1202 *
* e-mail: michelotto@cern.ch Fax +41 22 767 8350 *
* I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on tape somewhere. =A9*