Re: people, places, things, and ideas

Tom Whore (
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:13:03 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Robert S. Thau wrote:

> writes:
> > hard to run. The hardware is dead and emulaters only work for games.
> Emulators are hard to write, but there certainly are emulators which
> have seen industrial-strength use, depending on the hardware. For

Two points on this thread-

There are an amzing amount of real computer(non game ) emus out there.
Last year i made a cd archive with most of them, from the Edsiac to the
pdp 11 to the altair to the c64s up on thru to Macs and Pilots.

Here are some urls to keep you moving along

If you need places to get roms/diskimages or the like, let me know.

Language is as fragile, though with a longer life span, as a program.
The declaritve aspect of a language will also fall to dust over time, as
we can see with liner b, ebonics and old rem lyrics.

Cleary the declartives of today may not carry over to time frame put out
thousands if not tens of thousands of years from now. Given our past
though we do seem to be able to cope. Why? Under it all is the brain, the
interprive aspect of language. In the future language and programs, being
languages we learn from our silcon breathern, will be able to be decoded.

As we move along we are building inheretnces and thematic aspects into our
sopken and coded languages.Most of them are firmly built on aspects any
reader of Copi could grasp, and for many coded languages knowing one gives
a certian leverage to knowing others. The emus of today are just one such
example of our building Roseta stones to rember our past, as breif as it
may seem.

While it is a good thing to make programs, pages, and other pieces of
thoughtware with an eye on degradation and orphanage, I still hold that
the threads of its intent will be abe to graps long after the platforms of
its execution are sold off in flea markets for $12.

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