Dyson's Release1.0 on 'attention economy' of IPR

Rohit Khare (khare@mci.net)
Mon, 04 Aug 1997 16:42:26 -0400

Sample issues online; all excellent. In particular:


Read it, learn it, live it... Rohit

PS. Everyone does know I want only to retire to Jerry Michalski's job,
right :-)


Valuation of intellectual capital

The currency of both kinds of intellectual capital is not time, since IP
capital is not easily fungible and its value varies widely per unit. But
time is the resource in short supply. Any individual has only 24 hours of
attention (including eating in front of the television and sleeping to
subliminal tapes) to spend in a day, to invest in getting familiar with
various kinds of content or people. IP capital is built through the
attention over time of people to content (whether advertising or education
or other exposure.) The value is delivered either through buying behavior
(choice of products or services and premiums paid for them) or in the
delivery of... call them "knowledge-enhanced services," such as consulting,
new-product design, software support and interior decoration according to
the dictates of Martha Stewart. The capital's effect is not always easily
visible, but it tends to raise prices of things sold by the owner of the
original intellectual capital (the consultant who wrote the free book, the
studio with the movie star under contract, the advertisers in Martha
Stewart's magazine).

Imagine a company as a physical object. The companies of the past had a
small surface area, composed mostly of public and investor relations
people, and perhaps a couple of outspoken top executives. They alsohad
salespeople. But most employees were focused internally, designing or
building products or perhaps writing ads or documentation. The products and
the advertising would speak for themselves. In a service/information world,
of course, all that changes. A company's surface area expands in relation
to its volume; it's almost all membrane with a very little amount of stuff
contained inside.

Culture (broadcast) vs. community (interactive)

Culture is a phenomenon that can be absorbed passively, simply by paying
attention (although it is created by active effort). Community, on the
other hand, requires active participation -- an investment of effort and
interaction with others. Obviously, community is more intense than culture.
Culture is what you get from your country or ethnic group; community is
what you give back.

Rohit Khare /// MCI Internet Architecture (BOS) /// khare@mci.net
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