Re: Crossposting, FoRKposting, and PoSTforking...

CobraBoy! (
Sat, 7 Jun 1997 09:45:17 -0800

At 3:29 AM -0800 6/7/97, I Find Karma wrote:

> Before I get into this, I'd like to put in a plug for Tim Byars'
> excellent CD, "Silent Bob Speaks". I'm listening to it while I practice
> my Quake skillz, and it is awesome! Tim, your check is in the mail...

thanks Adam. It's always nice to hear your efforts are appreciated.

Send requests to me, here.

Send money $12.00 for the CD/shipping to;

Tim be 'da man
2785 PCH
# 292
Torrance, CA 90505



Until the application is written, it runs at 0 MIPS, regardless of the hardware you've got. - Steve Jobs

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