Robert Blatt [E.I.D.] (
Fri, 8 May 1998 07:10:34 -0700

As a member of AIIM and the standards community, I would like to formally
request that the WfMC review the potential for this standard (or extension).
We have a study group organized (through AIIM) to discuss issues similar to
this and to help get the information out to organizations needing it.
Information similar to this is important from the perspective of where our
industry is moving and is difficult for organizations to get. It seems that
many standards committee's are all addressing the same issue, but from
different perspectives resulting in slightly different solutions to a
similar problem. If everyone is not carefull, we may end up with too many
standards related to the same general issue. If someone from the WfMC could
come to the Study group on Monday, we could begin including this information
into the documents we are going to prepare. Hopefully, this information is
helpful for the HHS and those individuals preparing the requirements for

The first meeting of the Document Management Over the Intranet Study Group
will be on Monday May 11, 1998 at the Anaheim Hilton & Towers, Anaheim, CA.
get some more people there familiar with this effort), the better the
effort. For more information contact (R. Blatt, Chair "Document Management
over the Intranet" study group (805) 984 - 0358).

In addition, we are preparing a COLD standard discussing the usage of an
extension of the TIFF format to enable organizations to transmit COLD data
amongst diverse systems and locations simply and quickly. If anyone has
interest in this standards committee (C21.2), we are meeting from 1:00 -
4:00 at the Anaheim Hilton and Towers (For more information, contact R.
Blatt Chair C21.2 (805) 984 0358)

Listed below is the agenda for the study group meeting:
1. Introductions
2. Discussion as to further defining the scope of the study group
3. Discussion of whether we should develop white papers, standards,
Technical Reports, etc.
Possible Topics: Web content management
Document Management over the Intranet
Existing and Required Standards (Technical Report?)
Affects on Businesses & Collaborative Procssing
Technical Implementation Considerations and Issues
4. Selection of document editor(s)
5. Development of general outline of selected document(s)
6. Conclusion

-----Original Message-----
From: David Hollingsworth []
Sent: Friday, May 08, 1998 12:50 AM
Subject: RE:EDI and XML

The WfMC has long held the view that interoprability of business process
is a far more flexible vehicle to support electronic commerce than simple
We had been looking to extend such interoperability beyond the current MIME
standard and the proposals on XML and SWAP are a great opportunity to push
forward. The health care market is an interesting case and the NIST PSL
has also been looking to extend this type of operation into manaufacturing
industry (design and supply chain management).
Although I couldn't get to the meeting in Costa Mesa I am sure the WfMC will
lend this activity its full support.
Rgds, Dave Hollingsworth
ICL, and chair of WfMC Technical Committee