Re: Common carriers Re: A letter to Joe

Tom Whore (
Mon, 18 May 1998 17:05:57 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 18 May 1998, John Boyer wrote:

> >(1) Unbundle the browser *user interface* immediately and forever.

nope. In fact it was pretty much always the idea to have this intergrated
in with the os. And this from more than just MS, this from all the first
round buzzz of hypertext and the old Owl days.

also, who the fuck gets the right to say what i can and cannot put into my
os. Land of the free bubbie, you want socialistic reforms go peddle it
to...well wher ever it is they still do that.

> >(2) Require Microsoft to *facilitate* OEM customization such as boot
> >and desktop screens.

Same should go fro Apple, Sun, and any other os maker? Pulease..pull the
other one.

> >(3) Require Microsoft to allow OEM customers to *suppress* all MS
> >branding if desired.

Yep, this i agree with. And mostly you can, simpy and easily. Of course
you would actualy have to KNOW what your doing rather than have a closed
mind and a preset judgment on the issue.

> >(4) Define "operating system" and prohibit mandatory bundling of MS
> >non-OS and OS products.

In legal terms the answert to this this BLOW ME. If a user base wnats
something, they get to decide whats Added or Not. You gonna go after
REDHAT for bundling stuff with LInux? You gonna prohibit new techs from
being incluede into the Suits to work better with soses of any platform?

> >(5) Require Microsoft to immediately halt its tying and exclusionary
> >licensing practices.

This is a given, and should be the MAIN AND ONLY thurst of the law suit.
If it was it would be OVer and done with already, instead its become all
this other clap trap.

> >(6) Separate Microsoft into 3 companies: OS, applications, and content
> >/ services.

Who the fuck gives the GOV the right to break apart a SOFTWARE COMPANY?
The bells...I bearly agree with. This..Fuck no. Its the surest path down
which IM sure the Gov would love to lead us and its amzing the otherwise
wise folks are turning into sheeple about.

> >(7) Enforce strict "Chinese Wall" between MS operating companies thus
> >created.

Once again, you and what stanlinist tank platoon?

> Hmm, in my opinion, this is just complete bullshit. No offense Jeff, but
> you and nearly everybody else has gotten caught up in this pig pile cluster
> dork of Microsoft. Sure they've been jerks from time to time, well I say
> *so what*.
> I think that the idea of the federal government going after MS has about as
> much merit as states suing Big Tobacco. It's just a big money and power
> grab. Period.

But wht is it thats drawing so many folks into it. i mean the end result
is going to be MONEY MONEY MONEY but for about only 20 people. Where do
the other hal zillion jihad foot soilders getting thier payoff?

Moral justice? Picking a winning side?

Or is it simply the thrill of waving a pitch fork at the catsle of the Mad
Doctor who made the MONSTER?

(i will say it has been a good litmus test to see who the total screw
balls are)