Re: Composer Webern was Double Agent for Nazis (fwd)

Gregory Alan Bolcer (
Sat, 23 May 1998 12:43:57 -0700

Next thing you know they will be telling you that
there's devil worship encoded in Ozzy albums
or backwards masked into Led Zeppelin CDs.


> On Fri, 22 May 1998, Joe Barrera wrote:
> > Sigh.
> Oh come on, compared to some of the spoofs of the last few years this one
> had at least a little promise. True, they should have mentioned Wangers
> use of Leit Motifs as early encrytpion of the fatherland, but I wont take
> points off for that ommision.
> Beside...I sat thru Moses und Arrons and Houses of the dead...I heard the
> very code for vienerschnitlz and mustard.or was that my stomach:)-