Re: Vines & Spirits

Daniel Veillard (
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 18:05:35 -0500

> is hard to justify. What's surprising to me is that
> a lot of Cuve'es are listed in their list, but then
> I read the fine print, and that's what they were tasting, Duh!

What do you expect after a 5000 miles travel :-(
They are best in the producing area ! Anything like a long travel
(boat ? ... ouch, plane ? ... not sure it's better !) can seriously
affect the fragile equilibrium existing in a champagne bottle. Now add
2 weeks waiting in a reseller chop in California and you're lucky it
doesn't taste vinegar ;-)
I personnaly appreciate Perrier-Jouet Rose' a lot, no specific
cuvee (cuvee are inherently more hazardeous, the standard production
from large producers uses a blend of multiple years liquors to ensure
a minimum quality and unifor taste over the years).


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