Kristin Buxton (
Sun, 14 Sep 1997 15:07:42 -0700

I read a book not too long ago by Robin Baker that was quite interesting.
_Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex_ (ISBN = 0465081797) It's a look at how
evolution has shaped our behaviors about sex in general, and specifically at
the evolution of sperm (which has proposes is a bit more interesting that
has been previously though in terms of function).

from the back cover:

"Less than 1 percent of sperm in the male ejaculate is designed to fertilize
the female. The rest, what we have previously written off as "misshapen
sperm," are there either to block the passage to the womb should other men's
sperm approach or to engage other men's sperm in mortal combat.

"Female orgasm heps a woman get pregnant by the partner of her choice.
With orgasm, her retention rate climbs to as high as 90 percent, making female
orgasm a tool through which the woman can tip the competition in favor of one
gene contributor or another.

"Approximately 10 percent of all children born to married couples do not have
their "father's" gene. A woman is more likely to be unfaithful during her
fertile phase. Moreover, she is less likely to use or insist on the man's
using contraception on such occasions. The fact that the apeal of the
stranger is solely genetic--and does not lie in his promise to provide support
and protection for her and her offspring--may explain this finding, one of the
strangest in this book.

"Without sperm warfare, men would have tiny genitals and produce few sperm.
Women would not have orgasms; there would be no thrusting during intercourse;
no sex dreams or fantasies, no masturbation; and we should each feel like
intercourse only a dozen times or so in our entire lives--those occasions when
conception is possible and desireable. Life itself would be very different."

On Sun, Sep 14, 1997 at 02:46:11PM -0700, CobraBoy! wrote:
> SEPTEMBER 14, 1997
> The size of a man's testicles and his body symmetry are linked to his sexual
> behavior, according to a recent study conducted at England's University of
> Manchester. Evolutionary biologist Robin Baker discovered that men with
> big balls are likely to have more sex and a greater number of partners than
> their less well-endowed brethren. Baker also measured other body parts,
> including men's fingers, ears, wrists and ankles, to determine body
> symmetry. He found that men with highly symmetrical bodies were more
> attractive to women and had sex more often and sooner than less
> symmetrical males.

Kristin Buxton   <>
Whenever books are burned men also in the end are burned. -Heinrich Heine