Higher Source (web weasels)

CobraBoy (tbyars@earthlink.net)
Fri, 28 Mar 1997 19:15:26 -0800

<< start of forwarded material >>

-> Subject: Higher Source
-> Date: Fri, 28 Mar 97 17:22:08 -0500
-> x-sender: steve@mail.coffeehaus.net
-> From: Steve Shannon <steve@coffeehaus.net>
-> Mime-Version: 1.0
-> Dear Former Client of Higher Source,
-> We in the web development community are saddened by the loss of our
-> talented but somewhat loony brothers and sisters at Higher Source. We've
-> been told that by combining great web design services with bizarre
-> beliefs in the supernatural, Higher Source served their clients well, if
-> only for a short time.
-> Since your web designers have tragically taken their own lives, we
-> thought we'd drop this little e-note to tell you a little bit about
-> Coffeehaus Networks. We at Coffeehaus are all tepid Catholics, Jews,
-> Agnostics and Vegans. At worst, we drink, smoke, have premarital sex, and
-> (some of us) attend mass on Palm Sunday. We can assure you that next
-> time a big ball of dust and ice comes streaming through the inner solar
-> system, we won't lease office space in the big design studio in the sky.
-> That's right, no imbibing from the toxic Java pot here! And since we
-> don't have a big San Diego mansion to rent, I think you'll find our
-> design rates pleasantly competitive!
-> We hope that you'll consider working with Coffeehaus. Along with great
-> web design, death by natural causes is our way of life.
-> Regards,
-> Steve Shannon,
-> Coffehaus Networks
-> P.S. Down the road, if you hear that we committed suicide en-masse, don't
-> panic. We're just trying to get a lot of people to visit our web site!
-> -- __ __ _
-> / _| / _| | |
-> ___ ___ | |_ | |_ ___ ___ | |__ __ _ _ __ ___
-> / __/ _ \\ _/\ _// _ \/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | | | |/ __|
-> | (_| (_) | | | | < __/ __/| | | | (_| | |_| |\__ \
-> \___\___/|_| |_| \___|\___||_| |_ \__,_|\__,_||___/
-> Consulting - Design - Internet Cafe - www.coffeehaus.net

<< end of forwarded material >>


Anyway, that's just my opinion, meant to confuse and disorient...

<> tbyars@earthlink.net <>