
Rohit Khare (
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 18:58:02 -0800

I found this to be useful reading and an excellent primer to hand out on
tradeshow etiquette from the other side. NB the reference to a study showing
only 8% of visitors are greeted with a handshake... and it makes a difference



When you need a made-up name, use theirs.
Sometimes in demonstrations, you have to invent a name. For a
marker, a file, a
variable, and so on. When you need to do this, use their name.
Say, "Let's see,
we need a name for this message type: how about 'Swamy-message'?"
(Assuming your audience-member's name is Swamy. Then, for the
remainder of
the demo, their name will keep popping up in every other window.
Which demo do
you think they will remember better, one in which "Foo-message"
pops up in
every other window, or one in which their own name pops up in
every other
window? Seeing one's own name on the screen has a tendency to
settle one down


The Psychology of Handshakes

A study conducted by Allen Konopacki of The Incomm
Center for Trade Show
Research, found that fewer than 8% of visitors at a
trade show are greeted
with a handshake when they enter an exhibit. A
handshake creates warmth,
trust and a mutual relationship. It's a great way to
differentiate your exhibit
from others. People remember a salesperson that greets
them with a
handshake more so than those who don't. The greeting
is critical because a
relationship is established in the first four seconds
of contact with the
prospect. There's an art to working trade shows
successfully, and using a
handshake can create a positive impression that can
win you sales


this time the student greeted the person with a quick
handshake and an introduction. Only 18 of the 75 lied.

"Handshakes," Dr. Konopacki said, "create a higher degree of intimacy and
trust within a matter of seconds."