Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:55:19 -0500 (EST)


I would like to subscibe to the FoRK mailing list. According to the
instructions I found on Rifkin's FAQ page, this is the method by which I
accomplish such a task. The FAQ also instructed me to include a
tongue-in-cheek description of myself, so here goes:

I am short on stature (hovering just below the five foot mark), but I make up
for this with charm, wit and intelligence. I am a Canadian citizen who
currently lives and works in upstate NY. I take exception to the rule
found in the FoRK FAQ that states "Canadians are worthless" (Tim Byars)
and I shall endeavour to prove this fact wrong in all my communications
on FoRK. My spare time is spent doing a variety of geek-y activities such as
playing backgammon as well as other non-geek activities such as downhill
skiing. I am a former "professional student" who now has a career as an
academic librarian (I love to hide in my ivory tower). Due to the negative
stereotypes associated with being a librarian, my friends know that I prefer
to be called "Information Diva" or "Goddess of the Information Realm".
I work at a small liberal arts college and I do the website design for the
library's homepage and I teach Internet training classes to faculty and
students. At this point, I have nothing else that I care to share about

Janie (aka Janest, Sara Bellum, Information Diva)

"Come, and take choice of all my library,
and so beguile thy sorrow."
-- Titus Andronicus [IV.i.34]