Correction: Jul/Aug 97 IEEE Internet Computing article on XML.

I Find Karma (
Tue, 23 Sep 1997 11:56:11 -0700 (PDT)

The paper Rohit Khare and I wrote for the July/August IEEE Internet
Computing, "X Marks the Spot"

was published in IEEE Internet Computing as

In the timeline sidebar, we erroneously identified that the first XML
draft was presented at SGML 96 by Bert Bos. In fact, the presentation
was made by Tim Bray and Jon Bosak and backed by a panel consisting of
most of the other members of the SGML ERB.

We would like to take this opportunity to clarify two other individual
contributions as well. Tim Bray and Jon Bosak gave the presentation of
XML at the WWW6 conference, and Jon Bosak made the report on the Generic
SGML activity at the September 1996 Seybold Conference.

We have made these corrections in

and IEEE Internet Computing will notify its readers of the corrections
as well.

Thanks to several members of the XML community who took the effort to
help us set the record straight.

Meanwhile, Dan Connolly, Rohit Khare, and Donna Woonteiler have just
finished putting together a very compelling Autumn 1997 issue of the
World Wide Web Journal: a special issue on XML.

For those interested in a preview, we have contributed two articles that
are available in their pre-copyedited form for commenting. In the first
paper, "The Evolution of Web Documents: The Ascent of XML," Dan
Connolly, Rohit, and I evaluate the relationship of XML, HTML, and SGML,
and discuss the impact of XML on the evolution of the Web.

In the second paper, "Capturing the State of Distributed Systems with
XML," Rohit and I discuss the challenges of capturing the state of
distributed systems across time, space, and communities, and look to XML
as an effective solution.

More information about the World Wide Web Journal is at

and the W3J special issue on XML should be out in 4-6 weeks. Reserve
your copy today! :)

Adam Rifkin,

The study of the art of motorcycle maintenance is really a miniature
study of the art of rationality itself. Working on a motorcycle,
working well, caring, is to become part of the process, to achieve an
inner peace of mind. The motorcycle is primarily a mental phenomenon.
-- Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance